Welcome to IPTN

International Physical Therapy Network

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About Us

The International Physical Therapy Network (IPTN) is a foundation that was established in 2019 with the goal of advancing the field of physiotherapy on an international level. It aims to create a platform for professionals in the field to connect and share their knowledge , cultures and experiences. IPTN plays a vital role in the global growth and development of physiotherapy through the following strategies:

1. Networking and Collaboration: IPTN fosters a global community of physiotherapists, enabling networking and collaboration to exchange ideas and best practices.

2. High-Quality Events: IPTN organizes top-notch events to advance physiotherapy, providing informative and engaging experiences.

3. Knowledge Sharing: IPTN promotes the sharing of expertise, research, and innovative practices to enhance physiotherapy globally.

4. Professional Development: IPTN supports the professional growth of physiotherapists through education, skill enhancement, and career advancement opportunities.

5. Global Reach: IPTN connects physiotherapists worldwide, facilitating cultural exchange and collaboration for global physiotherapy development.

6. Partnerships and cooperation: IPTN actively seeks partnerships and embraces various forms of cooperation that align with its goals, fostering an environment of openness and collaboration. Moreover, IPTN operates on the fundamental principle of non-interference and conflict avoidance with other institutions.

Core Values



To be a globally recognized and influential organization that leads the advancement of physiotherapy, fostering a connected and collaborative international community of physiotherapists.


Advance the field of physiotherapy globally by facilitating collaboration, knowledge sharing, and professional development among physiotherapists.


1. Promote collaboration among physiotherapists worldwide.

2. Advance the field of physiotherapy through continuous learning and research.

3. Promote excellence in physiotherapy practice.

4. Foster global connections and cultural exchange.


The IPTN has developed its own rigorous standards, which have been meticulously crafted by a team of experts and specialists. These standards serve as the foundation for granting accreditation to institutions operating in the field of physical therapy.

Accreditation from IPTN is regarded as a prestigious certificate, ensuring that the accredited body adheres to the highest standards in delivering and overseeing physiotherapy services. It serves as a testament to the institution's commitment to excellence in their practice. Our accreditation project is driven by the goal of elevating the quality and effectiveness of physiotherapy. By establishing stringent standards for accreditation, we aim to enhance the overall standards of the field.

    Accreditation can be for:
  • Bodies: NGOs , Associations and Private Bodies.
  • Education and training institutions: Universities , Colleges , CPD centers and Research Centers.
  • Services providers: Hospitals , Clinics and Centers.
  • Personnel: Educators and Trainees (through the International Physical Therapy Academy IPTA).



International Physical Therapy Academy

The International Physical Therapy Academy (IPTA) has been established to meet the growing need for standardized academic and training programmes in physiotherapy. By offering top-notch postgraduate educational and training programmes, it aims to advance the physiotherapy profession globally.

The world's education plans had undergone a complete transformation following the COVID outbreak. As a result IPTA was formally founded in order to maximize the use of technology in physiotherapy education and to make these top-quality educational / training programmes available to all physiotherapists internationally.

he IPTA is the world's first fully integrated physiotherapy academy. The Scientific Board is composed of highly skilled individuals from many different countries.


The IPTN offers membership to individuals, including students and graduates, who are part of the physical therapy field. By becoming a member, individuals gain access to a vast network of benefits.

    These privileges encompass:
  • Enjoy an esteemed international status as part of a leading institution that upholds advanced standards.
  • Priority to participate in the activities organized by the IPTN and its affiliated institutions.
  • Special discount and privileges on all programs offered by the esteemed International Physical Therapy Academy IPTA.

IPTN Membership will be available soon



The IPTN appoints Country Ambassadors who are experienced physical therapists to serve as representatives of the IPTN in their respective countries and regions.

- Ambassadors are responsible for building and maintaining a network of physical therapists within their country or region.

- They may also assist in the recruitment of new members to the IPTN and help raise awareness about the IPTN's initiatives.

- IPTN Ambassadors often liaise with other healthcare organizations, academic institutions,governmental bodies and professional bodies within their respective countries.

- IPTN Ambassadors also contribute the holding of IPTN events and provide information sharing between IPTN and PT communities.

- IPTN Ambassadors play a vital role in representing the interests and needs of their local physical therapy community within the broader international network.

IPTN Ambassadors program will be available soon



For Membeship inquires:
For Accreditation inquiries:
For Verification inquiries:
Other inquiries:
